Wednesday, 9 May 2012


What many punters do not realize in this day and age that surfboard manufacturing never ever got to the level of the corporates  – I of all people can be testament to that !

Yet some people think as a consumer (probably been brainwashed by current affair programs on how to diddle your retailer) they are in the position of power and Jo Blow surfboard company is going to bend over backwards for every customers whim. I am a big believer in customer service having spent 35 years on the floor but there are at times when expectations are over the top. Whoever put this clip together was probably pushed to the edge..........

I believe the future in surfboards is, and should be heading back toward manufacturer direct to customer where the margins are more realistic. This in turn creates a mutual respect between both parties. The customer can actually get his point across to the actual shaper-not a third person, and the shaper is compensated more generously being freed from the middle man!

Muzz ..

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